Friday 13 September 2013

Our First Week

We just had our first full week at school. Here are some of our favourite things from this week:

"Playing the Starburst game" - Natasha
"Writing number sentences in Math" - Caleb
"Learning how to play Match-Up in Math" - Joshua
"Playing Name Bingo" - Arial
"Playing Math Games" - Kevin
"Drawing self portraits" - Sophia
"Playing frisbee at recess" - Palmi
"Going on the play structure at recess" - Sajzsa
"Learning how to play Screaming Toes" - Corey
"Making new friends" - Ahmed
"Drawing my Batman book during Calm Time" - Jordan
"Playing at our new water table" - Yvonne
"Reading Elephant and Piggie books" - Jabez
"Reading books" - Angel
"Playing Lego during Choice Time" - Tyler
"Going to Gym" - Christopher
"Playing dodgeball" - Gilbert
"Riding my bike in Gym" - Khristian
"Choice Time" - Breanna

Monday 9 September 2013

Our First Blog Post

We are like a family in our class. We see each other everyday and that is what makes us like a family. We help each other and are kind. We share. We respect our family and the things in our classroom.

Everyday we learn new things. We are looking forward to learning new things in math (especially Caleb).

School is fun! We have fun in our class!

We love school! It is cool to be in school!

Written by the students in room 7.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer!

Thank you for visiting our blog. This blog will be used as an online journal to share our learning with you. Please feel free to leave us a comment or ask a question. 

~Mrs. Muir